How to pick and quickly implement the right Logistics Robots (Victor Splittgerber, Founder/CEO, WAKU Robotics)

Show notes

The demand for logistics robots is exploding and so are the choices of different types of robots from different vendors. In this episode of The Logistics Tribe we discuss how to choose the right robots for your specific needs and how to get them up in running in your logistics operations quickly.

Our guest today is Victor Splittgerber, the founder and CEO of WAKU Robotics. Victor and his team have set up a platform called Lots of Bots that makes that helps companies to select and implement the right logistics robots. Whether you need robots for transport, picking, commissioning, even cleaning, Lots of Bots offers robots from over 150 different vendors.

This episode is hosted by Marco Prüglmeier.

Helpful links:

WAKU Robotics:

Victor Splittgerber on LinkedIn:

Marco Prüglmeier on LinkedIn:

Our supporters GreyOrange:

Show transcript

00:00:01: Hello and welcome to the logistics tribe I'm boss felgendreher founder of the logistics tribe and today we will talk about how to pick and quickly implement the right Logistics robots.

00:00:16: The demand for Logistics robots is exploding and so are the choices of different types of robots from different vendors.

00:00:22: Our Guest today Victor splittgerber the founder and CEO of Vaca Robotics and his team.

00:00:27: Have set up a platform called lots of bots which occasion allows you to buy or lease all kinds of different mobile robots for any Logistics use case in other words Victor is a real expert on the topic and has a lot of great insights to share.

00:00:40: Today Show is hosted by Marco Pokemon.

00:00:43: Before we get started a quick thanks to our sponsors grey orange grey orange automate swales operations through a combination of AI software on a ton of most mobile robots.

00:00:52: Ground systems on place at some very prominent companies such as Ikea or the Danish household goods and Furniture retailer you ask if you're looking to get your warehouse and fulfillment operations to the next level with the help of autonomous robots automation.

00:01:04: You should definitely have great orange on your list

00:01:06: check them out at grey now here comes Victor splittgerber from fakku robotics enjoy hello Victor welcome to the logistics tribe

00:01:17: hey Marco nice to be here yes I'm looking forward to our talk.

00:01:22: Um actually if someone would ask me do you know someone who really knows the market for Logistics robots and Mrs very well.

00:01:32: Then I would probably refer to you Vic.

00:01:36: Because with waku robotics you got a very good overview over the market and maybe we start from here what does.

00:01:45: Cool robotics doing and where do you come from Victor is your background yeah very good question actually.

00:01:53: I was in the same position right but that I was missing one person one entity where I can go to an address my concerns basically.

00:02:04: Who is the right vendor what is the right business case what is right and use case to use mobile robots and that's where I'm coming from.

00:02:13: Um my mind said because before founding Vaca robotics I was.

00:02:19: And Salon do designing myself Solutions and with my team there,

00:02:24: and also talking to a lot of Industry experts and other companies that have exactly the same issue right so like the exact same header there's an amazing Industries as a big need for automation but there's no overview there's no one,

00:02:38: person you can go to but you have to go to each individual vendor or each individual user to get their knowledge about the industry and that was the founding idea of vac robotics.

00:02:49: To get em to this point where you say I have this one expert that gathers on other knowledge and.

00:02:58: Presents it in a very simple condensed way like you do with lots of pots 300 robots in the meantime which is like video shows the progress of the industry and the website of,

00:03:07: yeah exactly that's really a problem and you basically solved it with lots of pots right so there,

00:03:13: that's kind of a platform where you can go and look up all the robots in logistics and,

00:03:20: but you can do it use case specific right or or what kind of robots do you have there and what different types.

00:03:28: Maybe you can describe that a little bit and see biggest problem of course starts bit before that actually like finding the right process and then I'm just going into the filtering mode.

00:03:40: So

00:03:40: Exam different user categories of course that interact with the website some are super independent they know exactly I need transport robot or I need to picking robot or commissioning robot because that's my tasks that's what I'm looking for,

00:03:54: or cleaning once alright and others just feels the pressure that they do need to do something in terms of.

00:04:03: Reducing cost or you know like just cope with the situations that labor is not available.

00:04:09: And so that is a bit more broad so to say and they're just you know like,

00:04:14: arise on the website and roaming around and understanding the industry we put a lot of Articles to help them understand how this works and what this for example good starting use case right.

00:04:25: Um yeah so like and then he gives you the others that are really the experts that can apply all the filters and Booms they get like five or.

00:04:34: 10 different vendors or Annex Pacific models that fit to their needs that in terms of weight in terms of form factor in terms of.

00:04:43: Potatoes and some notes and I think there is virtually everything from a cleaning robot to a

00:04:49: disinfection robot and also Logistics transport robots or a Mrs where that that can bring your palette from from A to B.

00:05:00: And things like that right yeah it's actually really tailored to Logistics and Manufacturing so.

00:05:07: What happens if past years is that prices really went down for robotics whereas prices for labor.

00:05:15: Went really up so basically now the big revolution in terms of robotization is happening in robotics,

00:05:24: it's just the other day we really we're discussing zit it's not the first time that it's a technical Revolution happening in robotics if you think of the real itself right that she was setting a big revolution.

00:05:36: Remember in motion and then there are other types of revolutionize.

00:05:40: Using a plane or internal combustion engine to transport Goods or railroads right so now we are just in the middle in the midst of this robot Revolution and that's happening in the warehouses in the entire supply chain.

00:05:54: And we are focusing really on the needs of.

00:05:58: Companies on what's in it today and that's like a good starting use case that can be very simple like cleaning or they can be pretty broad like really like a good person commissioning solutions that has eventually hundreds of robots.

00:06:13: Do you see see it really as this kind of a revolution that we that we see on going right now because lots of people would

00:06:22: probably argue that we have had agvs in logistics since the 50s there so why is it the revolution now your eyes yeah we have networks before the internet

00:06:34: and and then we also had computation before the actual like personal computer but um.

00:06:42: Prices matter performance matter a lot and that really is the key factor I mean like if you if you look at the fields in to the 50s a project would be very very expensive not like on the exclusive group of users.

00:06:57: Would be able to use it,

00:06:59: installation takes month and planning if not yours right to all the development and now it really reached a point where we go to a customer and you can install the robot and get it running.

00:07:10: In hours right I mean like actually you like even less than an hour.

00:07:13: If you if you have a simple process of course like more complex Solutions take a bit longer but therefore for me it's a revolution although like.

00:07:21: Because like lots of Z technologies that are used in modern Robots coming more from autonomous driving that's you know originated from DARPA.

00:07:31: And it was a slam algorithms that were developed they are now using mobile robots just in warehouses it's never ending never snowing so you can apply them today.

00:07:41: And yes right it's easier than on the streets right exactly and and that makes it super simple to use super adaptable you can use it around people no problem with that and yeah that's an end in a chaotic environment right so like most of the traditional

00:07:55: ATVs values and Manufacturing that everything is very structured

00:08:00: no like Dynamic situations like people are running in front of the

00:08:06: robot or a TV but in logistics it's tile different story right it's pretty chaotic and only code in a sense like the a lot of.

00:08:15: After Dick to go unpredictable things happening and it's a lot of ups and downs in terms of capacity and so on

00:08:21: and you mentioned the prize as 11 criteria here and it's obviously it's a big big criteria if you are coming back to lots of bots and you mentioned already to 300 pots and.

00:08:35: Take us a little bit further into this topic how many companies do you have on the side and what is the price range that you can start with a logistics robot nowadays

00:08:47: you have over 150 suppliers on our website and prices to purchase robot start roughly at 10000 Euro

00:08:56: like that surprise you get it for and you can install it yourself since its associated with pricing the end.

00:09:03: And but you can also rent them so rental would start eventually below thousand Euro for example appellate mover.

00:09:11: But of course has a huge demand because that's exactly the threshold where it gets interesting too.

00:09:17: Put it in your Logistics because when the price for rented robot has equal to price of a forklift press plus driver so to say and,

00:09:26: yeah so that's basically what's the ranges and which countries are those 150 companies from or

00:09:36: or is there a ten pattern that you can see on your platform where those robots come from

00:09:43: or where we have the latest increases let's say because I read the other day that we probably have already more than 300 worldwide.

00:09:54: I am our company's right now and probably it's increasing in a very high.

00:10:02: So where do those companies come from in your knowledge so there's a huge traditional base of Manufacturers from Europe.

00:10:12: That offer very high quality robust systems that traditionally come rough on Automotive.

00:10:18: Which is very good for very structured environments and then like and then you have also a number of very emerging companies from from Europe,

00:10:28: ugly rocks or safe lock really like of a very very solid products and also very good quality then you have like the a lot of Chinese companies are.

00:10:40: This is growing,

00:10:41: a lot like so like we are in constant chats with our Chinese partners and very chatter that's the only way you can reach them and then we are already like one or two years ahead of what's actually

00:10:54: we going to see in the Indie Market eventually like in terms of reliability it's maybe not at 99.9% but maybe you just at 95%.

00:11:04: Which is okay for Logistics oftentimes because you have a lot of redundancy or can build into the system a lot of redundancy.

00:11:12: And prices are maybe a fifth right and so that sector is growing a lot they also have.

00:11:19: Enough don't say take IP and copyright so serious so like that increases the speed of development and I like what comes down from the Chinese market and of course you also have a lot of American companies like us companies.

00:11:34: That also have very good software very good sales very good systems or like there we see a lot of logistics systems coming from.

00:11:43: You especially and also from China so they ended up with.

00:11:47: Big players also likes of something bigger self and as in one podcast I heard you say that probably

00:11:54: less than 1% of logistics operations or transport is automated right now and there is a huge potential to have more numbers on that or on the growing Market

00:12:06: somehow see Market is growing.

00:12:09: It's moment at a roughly between 20 and 30% depending a bit like we are looking eventually can be also bigger easy 1% is what we seeing now if you go to any random Warehouse.

00:12:21: You don't find any robots and if you if you don't look for them you don't find some it's really like finding a robotic system is like finding a needle in a haystack.

00:12:29: And that's where the industry is today right so it's not there but it will change rapidly as I said right we are now and I definitely at.

00:12:39: Are they key quick cause if not the world for robotics it's just not zero so well-known that's why many people ask us for our opinion on certain Solutions because it is break even

00:12:50: for most of the four million systems and that will eventually go to a very high number so I think like.

00:13:00: Definitely more than ninety percent will be automated with chocolate we have a really like aging Society.

00:13:07: We are people can't walk like 20 km per day in a warehouse and it's just not possible if you like,

00:13:15: 50 or 60 it's physically not possible so you need those robotic systems and so there were there's a huge Polo from the market to get those systems into the warehouses.

00:13:26: And that's why we eventually going to end up with a very high numbers it's a revolution

00:13:31: for sure okay interesting and you actually can see it on your data right at lots of pots but lots of pots is actually not the only thing Rock robotics is into you are also actually planning.

00:13:45: Hey Mar Solutions right what is the reason for that the reason is there are very there's very few expertise experts and very little expertise in the companies to

00:13:57: because I'm such a loot solution usually there's this more abstract wish to automate for different reasons.

00:14:05: And then the traditional approach was just like going to Fair hitting Google and looking for a solution now like we have lots of pots and often just the overview of pure robots doesn't provide a solution itself so there we help.

00:14:20: We have a lot of tools that we use that we developed like simulation which is a great tool because that really.

00:14:27: Helps people to think in terms of processes to think in terms of their layout and so on and out of the.

00:14:34: Simulation of course is number of robots comes out as a result and also.

00:14:41: It's a pure visualization already helps all stakeholders and accompanied with understand how a solution Works otherwise it's very upset and

00:14:49: therefore we have a very high demand so like that's really like what people are looking for on how to design solution to simulate simulate them and then eventually find me in z.

00:15:01: Right business case and the right supply of Asia problem for their process what does this typical starter use case that customers of you would start with a robot

00:15:12: use most of our clients have existing operations often times they face a situation where they can't find,

00:15:22: forklift drivers for them it's very specific processes that they want to automate those processes can be.

00:15:28: Big in terms of how many robots you would need to use their so like for example pallet movers with.

00:15:35: 50 Pelican Russell so wired can be also rather small as a starter use case where you just have an automated forklifts or forklift without a driver the takes a pallet from A to B.

00:15:46: Typically from for example for an inbound process where packets arrive.

00:15:52: Unloaded from a truck and then they need to be distributed across the warehouse we're in some sort of viene or so put Seminole Highway and

00:16:00: there are simple transport take in cases that are very suitable as a starter use case or are you you're already have a full-fledged Solutions it's also like that sometimes makes life a bit easier right to have like one solid Solutions at,

00:16:14: diverse instant while instantaneously good Roi and.

00:16:19: But of course convince is also some Skeptics what would be a typical Roi that you can reach with such a use case for purchased solution regardless if it is a small or big

00:16:30: solution it's typically at 224 years if companies do it right so like

00:16:37: most companies wouldn't do a project if it is more than four years so like the desired hour is between two and four years old,

00:16:45: dry probably lower than 2 years but if you want to go lower than two years most companies would rather rent a robot and then the business case a bit is a bit different

00:16:55: ultimately companies starting to do that as a huge demand for that because it's more flexible and so on and then you can go

00:17:02: you know one year so with the rental robot you could get below 1 year in an Roi and yeah is there a high number of companies that are renting out the robots or are you

00:17:13: doing that by your platform or how would you describe that there is an increased demand

00:17:20: most of the systems are still purchased so also the manners of a

00:17:25: most of the times or like just you purchase up to but there's an increase in rental options so like if you look at a company like.

00:17:33: Locos robotics they basically just rent out robots and as I said there are number of other offerings that rental becomes very interesting like

00:17:43: most prominent as I said like a forklift automated forklift that you can run for 1000 euro is very attractive for many for many companies

00:17:51: yeah what I really like about you guys is that you share a lot of information web in my,

00:17:59: point of view valuable information on also on your website not only lots of Parts but I saw also on your website

00:18:08: recently published robot operations framework what does that for and what can I do with that this again comes from a very Hands-On,

00:18:18: approach in terms of Robotics right select we again work along side with the customer we see us,

00:18:25: as partners of our customers as users of Robotics and B's find solutions for their problems and why we came up with this framework is that

00:18:37: once Robert is deployed.

00:18:40: It's not a done deal then it just starts the operation starts and eventually also like of course the problems or the issues that you need to solve to have stable operations and.

00:18:51: One of the things we encountered there was not only like the infrastructure that was not ready like for example Wi-Fi setup and so on so like if you install a robots its first thing like easier VPN is a Wi-Fi connection and that can take

00:19:05: very long to sit up very long night that's because it's a regulatory issue.

00:19:10: Another point was like in terms of people who is responsible and who has time you know like wouldn't be the first time if you end up in a situation where it's like yeah brings the robots and robot drives and you know like.

00:19:22: People walk away and expects it everything runs smoothly but your entity is that you need somebody dedicated.

00:19:28: I'm to be responsible for 01 although it works itself sometimes you know like need some help especially in the beginning when.

00:19:36: And people just get started to to use the robot yeah you need to set up the process around the robots right to make them work

00:19:45: yeah exactly that said see that's a community last point I'd like see processes is pi 2 and that's it's also like it's easier said than done because like again right if you endure cheese sticks.

00:19:58: The main process might be simple pretty easy right here you go into where I say okay like I did transport.

00:20:03: Headed from A to B but in reality it's like okay like the forklift driver.

00:20:08: I'm looks at the label knows exactly already because it does it for years bad goes and sometimes you have like this special pallet that always goes to another corner of the warehouse and so on which is Alma digitalized and ultimate standardized and.

00:20:22: Victim becomes very difficult to handle before robot because they can't do those exceptions you need to digitize everything there so that's why we came up with us' rough Robert operational framework.

00:20:33: Which has three main pillars which is team to address this issue in terms of training people correctly and also same resources as hides.

00:20:43: Take care of a robot then infrastructure to have the right infrastructure in places like Wi-Fi and other periphery,

00:20:51: and then processes to really Define

00:20:53: and nail process that should be automated Forex robot and that's in see tip ttip and you also share something like a typical

00:21:03: schedule for integrating a POC so a proof-of-concept how would that look like so if I start now with my first,

00:21:12: one or two robots on the shop floor the typical steps is actually.

00:21:17: To Define really the proof of concept and then it's like it's a common understanding what this actually.

00:21:23: Mentee of the proof of concept for do we want to achieve Heights as it's really sexy goal setting.

00:21:29: And that takes actually most of the time right you would wonder why does it take so long like we.

00:21:36: Speaker of 25 weeks but most of it is really the design phase get everyone involved on board.

00:21:44: Red is it go from where to where how does information flows in a fully digitalized system.

00:21:49: Real hoses are very manual today that takes most of the time.

00:21:54: And eventually you move on to the installation phase where the robot is installed and operated

00:22:01: but that is like of the overall time that's the shortest time that is on average for weeks and eventually like you also have a process debrief and learning phase.

00:22:11: It's okay like now we learn this.

00:22:13: This is what we need input to improve in terms of operations and responsibilities that is all very well described in very detailed in the in the robot operation framework.

00:22:24: If you put it off PDF we put a lot of effort into it and downloadable material and so on.

00:22:31: Checklists that people can download to really get started and to have like a handbook a guide to help people get started because our thinking of course is we want to make mobile robots successful right we see there's a huge demand.

00:22:46: Receive that a lot of vendors who have great Solutions but getting it right from the beginning is very crucial because we have seen it so often.

00:22:56: Companies are frustrated.

00:22:57: Did you test didn't work because of different reasons because oftentimes these point is also that a vendor comes to a warehouse S I have the greatest solution they just have one solution.

00:23:08: It's the greatest right and they want to sell it regardless if it is you best fit or not.

00:23:16: Pretty natural right and that results in a suboptimal situation because the hardware is not made for this environment often times.

00:23:24: And then the conclusion is not that the machine that I ordered as a robot that I ordered didn't work but that robots are not suitable in our environment.

00:23:33: And and and that has different reasons and apart of it like the implementation phase and the puc face,

00:23:40: it is often times like critical errors or mistakes were made in terms of scoping cpuc ends on that way we made this checklists and framework

00:23:49: so the schedule and 225 weeks that you mentioned is basically for the overall project so if you really start from scratch and set up the team and and to purpose and everything and find out the right poc in your

00:24:03: Factory and

00:24:05: set up the team and the processes that you need for the robot and then you you probably do the robot selection and and then the robot one day arrives at the factory can you also describe this

00:24:20: robots setup and and how much time does.

00:24:23: Does this take in comparison to the whole 25 weeks schedule that is pretty unspectacular and I would say because the Riser pellet or box where the property stored in and

00:24:37: it is just unpack which takes half an hour or so then the connection to the Wi-Fi starts which is like one of the most complex

00:24:45: activities and the whole setup phase why why is that yeah usually because there is a VPN and passwords and and setups

00:24:55: ver like a VPN needs to be cut out or like a virtual on me to need something cough out of the regular Wi-Fi.

00:25:04: And this lamp and that has a lot of legal implications or regulatory applications in a warehouse and that can

00:25:11: be complex because it's not like if you encounter a problem here it can't be solved quickly it's like then it goes back to the idea which is a central unit and not in the warehouse and so on they can't do

00:25:23: anything in the warehouse so usually they need to communicate to the headquarter and then go to the next level and so on so that it sets

00:25:31: then we have a bucket if it is prepared well then I'm the takes only a couple of minutes and then the robot is switched on set in motion

00:25:40: you take a laptop usually or any other device like a tablet or so and then you can drive the robot.

00:25:47: I prefer remote control you drive it through the warehouse and on top of the robot is a.

00:25:53: Lidar which is a laser that measures distances to Any Given obstacle on a plane and with that you get a 2d map right you drive around the.

00:26:02: Warehouse

00:26:04: you Maps environment so like the laser detects every obstacle and derives its map we had should be driving and then you have an editor task editor where you

00:26:15: put your tasks and saying here's a pick up stations as a drop-off station.

00:26:20: And then you like can draw a path often times the robot even Finds Its way it's very itself without any input that's by its autonomous mobile robot

00:26:30: because it's autonomous

00:26:32: - yeah like then of course there's a lot of details here like how tasks we got but in the simplest case it's with a tablet or.

00:26:41: Laptop also and yeah after 5 hours 8 hours you usually have

00:26:47: your task and then you have a couple of days of on-ramp where you polish the things that you just seen the actual operations and you're good to go

00:26:56: if we are talking about a name are so an autonomous mobile robot and we are talking about several hours

00:27:03: for the setup right it depends of course or not on the square feet or meters that you have a new Factory and so on but it's probably done in a day right yeah if it is

00:27:14: smaller use cases so like I said right there different different

00:27:18: applications for your hips is full-scale implementation of install like 50 robots at once that takes longer.

00:27:25: But then like you do also don't do a PC with that.

00:27:29: If you drip to see that usually limited time like four weeks or so and limited scope in terms of integration it's not usually not connected to a warehouse management system.

00:27:39: I mean yes also it's just a standalone he called it sandbox solution that is not connected to other systems just as Wi-Fi to get jobs and control it.

00:27:49: And then this setup is really,

00:27:52: done in hours and you were talking now about an AMR and what what's the process for an agv or are you not taking care about ATVs at all in your platform lots of pots or

00:28:05: is it only focus to aim our there's no clear definition of what is an edge if you are named are so.

00:28:11: We also consider agvs traditional HEV sort of say and those two like Technologies or and I just two names basically and

00:28:22: some would say it's exactly the same for some put some differences so we have both.

00:28:28: Definitely and usually in agv Works more with some sort of markers on the ground or some sort of reflectors or magnetic stripes at you.

00:28:39: That you drew on the ground which is used to navigate was a robot and

00:28:44: this process alone of putting those markers takes of course time that's why is insulation then as longer would you prefer a Mars or is it just the same for you or does it depend on the use case depends on the use case very much so it's like really

00:29:00: the details like what is the exact process and again here right so like that's why people come to us and request us

00:29:09: so often because this kind of analysis what is really the best technology who is who has this technology which is more suited for my environment is question that very few people can answer is if.

00:29:22: I would say you know like

00:29:23: basically there's us who really has his broad overview of 150 supplier there is no such the second entity who has this broad knowledge for example if you have a lot of dynamic moving Parts in your environment like

00:29:37: pellets that are 22 and a half meter high then like a lighter and typically lighter.

00:29:43: Which is like this laser ranging doesn't work because it just detects the pellets that are constantly moving and then it doesn't tells you position 20 bottom.

00:29:53: By detecting those move it moving pellets and you need something else as navigation.

00:29:57: Technology and so that is that isn't just an example right and yeah hundreds of such.

00:30:03: Factors that need to be considered when designing such a solution.

00:30:08: After setting up the robot you mentioned that then the the task is not done yet you have to monitor the robot and I think also there you have something in you.

00:30:20: In your toolbox at waku robotics every working up the value stream or.

00:30:26: So you Tas cream is taskstream very nicely here right wrong I see that how do I find a good application however I set up my robot

00:30:38: and now you finally arrived like my people are well trained my robot is working and now what actually happens right

00:30:46: so my robot drives fully autonomous I'm super happy robot operators super happy basically goes drink coffee,

00:30:53: and then after I do like half an hour he comes back and like a big problem because process some sort of process stopped right.

00:31:02: And then he says okay like what happened right he runs basically to the operate SFA you know like what is the process stopped.

00:31:10: And then said yeah it don't have edits here and like wow as a pellet in my Robert was supposed to bring the pellets and of course the people don't know.

00:31:16: And then as you operate a one as well as my Rob and actually in here,

00:31:22: Rome's entire route where the robot could possibly drive after I don't know like 15 minutes or so he fights finally is a robot or she and tries to debunk what actually happens and was like simple super simple error it's

00:31:37: pretty dusty MZ warehouse and the the sensor got dust Dusty and it just need to remove the dust from the sensor and the robot is back.

00:31:45: Operational just the whole thing cost like and breakdown of one hour of operations which is of course costly and there can be many reasons for the robot stopping and like.

00:31:57: Not only does but

00:31:59: probably don't know any obstacle in the way also or I can misplace pellets or its sensitive and if people are used to manual operations they don't know how to work with robots that is pretty rigid in its Behavior

00:32:12: compared to a human and that's why we came up with aqua sense which is

00:32:17: real-time monitoring tool super simple to use for any person if there is the persons in the warehouse and not trained operators right they usually

00:32:28: forklift drivers and you want to retain those people in your world so you can't give them very complex interfaces.

00:32:35: I'm often times and and you don't want to give them five different tools to operate five different roles.

00:32:41: So that's why we came up with opposite ends with just one interface for all the robots in your Warehouse.

00:32:46: That is super easy to use on tablet on a smartphone that gives you instant information on your process and your performance of your robot if you need to.

00:32:55: Adjust for example with the heat map which is very nice feature I chose you we as a robot drive slower and where obstacles over.

00:33:02: Error has occurred and really help you would cost analysis and was a case that I just described it instead of one hour later the robot.

00:33:12: Operator was finally able to recover robot it would instantaneously send an SMS or Microsoft teams message on the mobile phone of the.

00:33:21: Operator in the same s basically 10 occurred.

00:33:25: Move in detailed description of what happened so your robots dance and I and number 20

00:33:32: position X and the sensor has an error please remove a dust from the lens and that's how detailed it gets and that of course allows to,

00:33:41: shortens the time from an annoying Interruption of my process of one hour to only a couple of minutes sounds super super simple but that makes a whole process and the whole startup and setup of Setter robot operation much smoother.

00:33:55: People are much more motivated to support such a system if they understand what it's doing and projects are much more successful.

00:34:04: No I mean like I always compared to a cleaning robot if I look at my cleaning robot driving around through my.

00:34:11: Through my living room and then it has this random pattern of driving through my living room and anything they do my God now I pass again through the big dirt really seems just around it and I can't

00:34:24: do we have to go right I don't have possibility to win friends and people are Warehouse often feels the same I don't have access to his machine.

00:34:31: So it causes all sorts of problems and that's what we British if I could sense

00:34:36: yeah and the only what you monitor you can improve right so on and that's that really makes sense for me how do you manage it to connect the different companies into different robot

00:34:49: types into your vehicle sense to you and so oftentimes driven by the customer because.

00:34:57: No it's the Simplicity is a face a situation where as a onboard different robots are usually start with one system and then.

00:35:05: They seized mentioned problems writer.

00:35:08: Often times it's been driven by the customer but also the vendors come to us and support an integration saying hey you know like I want to have an easier time setting robots selling more robots at Chantilly right away.

00:35:19: Getting getting more robots into the clients and helping them to be operational and that's we developed a super simple API that only takes a couple of hours to integrate.

00:35:31: You have big Brands like mirror I'm already connected and that connecting the new system is a matter of

00:35:40: really just hours if not really that shorter than this make biggest problems always Wi-Fi again because it's Cloud solution but then like the robots already connected you trust to get an account and then you're good to go it's a moment we offer this even for free because we really feel the urge to say

00:35:57: Port successful implementations because the

00:35:59: it helps the industry as a whole and that's what we are aiming for for free for the vendors so that they can connect their vehicles to your Aqua sense or for free for the customer site that is buying the robot

00:36:13: be offered even for free for the customer side.

00:36:17: And so we really like believe in helping people and and giving for getting back to like we first like really want to give and improve systems improve.

00:36:27: Operations with robots to yeah like also create some motivation for implementing even more awards for expanding and they are we can also be helped it's really our story here and we forgot about talking about lots of pots platform and the business model behind that because I think it's also free for

00:36:47: both sides so you can actually use it for free if you want to find a robot.

00:36:53: But you also if you are a vendor you can actually bring in your robot for free is that right that's right so our goal is to offer.

00:37:02: Full overview of the industry it's not complete yet as you said right we have 150 vendors.

00:37:09: Globally there may be 300 actively in Europe may be there a couple more but I guess we're fairly complete here.

00:37:16: And we just want to give the full overview to the customized it's real purpose of course we have some premium profiles bit more content.

00:37:25: I'm for premium Partners but in terms of search and finding robots doesn't make a difference for the customer,

00:37:31: so you see if that damn right so it's so it's really like helping customers helping the industry getting started because we believe in making the pie much bigger instead of you know like increasing our share of the pie and.

00:37:45: So I make a living making pie bigger and that's by The Orphan Black with sense for free for now and like also lots of pots for free and eventually.

00:37:53: Of course is there some Revenue to be made we put a lot of efforts in those things but that is not

00:38:00: especially the first step and I really love that so we were talking about the robots selection process

00:38:07: where you offer lots of pots then the planning of the planning process of pocs in your factory very where you actually offer the robot operations framework right and then

00:38:20: the robot monitoring afterwards where you offer waku sense as a tool so this sounds almost like a closed loop,

00:38:30: what are your next steps in the waku world it is kind of closed but also open group so it but it's definitely a continuous loop.

00:38:40: Because what we see happening is.

00:38:44: Regardless if you start or customer start with a small implementation or big implementation they adding more right to like once a project is successful,

00:38:53: it motivates to do more because it really like boosters confidence in the technology and then elected logical extension you start I don't know if a cleaning robot or pellet mover then you go to drone or.

00:39:07: Your go-to are like a bigger system also and then you want to have like one interface to connect all of those and we really like believing in this into growth story of orchestrating different solutions and that's it's like,

00:39:21: remember I see it sees this as a big use case and that's why we're we're going right we providing more tools to get robot started.

00:39:30: And also going through this Loop of adding more robots getting them stable optimizing them and being.

00:39:38: On the sides of our customers is what we're doing and what we continue to do Victor one last question what if we take a look into the future let's say 10 years from now so how do you imagine.

00:39:51: Robots in logistics and the future of Logistics in overall so what is your opinion there I believe is that

00:40:01: you might as well be you still in Z and Z driver seat for sure right so like it's not that implementing robots means,

00:40:09: kidding about humans that has a right but it's really like a story of getting more productivity out of the people we have right so that

00:40:18: we have the stitching Society we have like a richness of people in their houses that we want to use and improve their condition so to say and working conditions right in terms of heavy straining task.

00:40:33: And so I believe in a future where one person can operate 10-20 robots easily right from from the even from the place maybe where they're like and they're like also in a life where,

00:40:47: many tasks that are done now manually get out to mated so that we can focus more on social and creative tasks it so emotional

00:40:55: that means home office for Logistics operators is part of the future okay maybe maybe not try to relax and I love home office but

00:41:07: people likes offices so like of course a lot of people have options I love their offices and they can go.

00:41:14: Victor it was really good talking to you thank you very much and I hope that with our interview here we found a lot of fans for robot.

00:41:25: Logistics thank you very much thank you it was a pleasure

00:41:29: right that was the logistics try podcast episode with Victor splittgerber from vehicle robotics if you enjoy today's show please follow us and subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss any of the future episodes

00:41:41: I'm boss felgendreher until next time.

00:41:44: Music.

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