The Business of Freight Market Analytics with Ken Adamo (Chief of Analytics at DAT)

Show notes

Today's guest on The Logistics Tribe is Ken Adamo, Chief of Analytics at DAT.

DAT operates the largest truckload freight marketplace in North America. Ken is responsible for DAT iQ, DATs data science team and its pricing database for shippers, 3PLs, trucking operators and freight brokers.

Ken is one of the leading experts in data analytics in the logistics industry, so we had to pair him up with our host Jonah McIntire.

This turned out to be a wide-ranging conversation about the business of freight data and analytics, and also a view into Ken’s career in the industry.

Helpful Links:


Ken Adamo on LinkedIn:

Jonah McIntire on LinkedIn:

Boris Felgendreher (founder of The Logistics Tribe) on LinkedIn:

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