๐Ÿ’ก Fresh Idea: An Insurance Policy for Trucking Rates ๐Ÿšš (Krishnan Kandasamy, Founder, ZenHedge)

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It's hard to find shippers that didn't get burnt by skyrocketing freight rates in the last 3 years. And freight high rate volatility is likely here to stay.

The US-based startup ZenHedge is working on a fintech-based insurance solution that promises to offer peace of mind by protecting shippers from the financial impact of tender rejection, freight rate volatility, and other supply chain disruptions - risks that were once hard to โ€œhedge" against.

Our host Jonah McIntire sat down with Krishnan Kandasamy, CEO and Founder of ZenHedge, to dig deep into the world of risk management for the transportation industry.

A lot to learn here. Enjoy!

Helpful Links:

ZenHedge: https://www.zenhedge.com/ Krishnan on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/krishnankandasamy/ Jonah on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonahmcintire/

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